Interwoven: A gentle, poetic & practical adventure
a guided exploration of nature and a life lived in relationship
A gentle journey of deep noticing, imagination, and appreciation for humans wanting to connect to their creativity, each other & the glistening, wild world.
Interwoven is an intimate, shared journey in reclaiming, remembering and rewilding. It’s exclusively available to paid member’s of my Substack, delivered in regular letters that you can enjoy and devour into at your own pace.
It will include:
·  Small Stories: Prose & poetry, taken from my own explorations relating to our weekly theme.
·  Invitations and Writing Prompts: Offerings of practical adventures, contemplations, and creative expression, for you to take or leave. How you choose to make your way through them is completely up to you.
interwoven is enlivening my senses, stimulating my brain, opening my mind & nurturing my imagination. I’m thrilled with the deepening connection to my natural surroundings, to the rest of the world & to my own internal world- my life is significantly enriched. With all my heart, thank you Jane. ~ Clare Frost
What is it exactly?
Interwoven is…
An invitation to develop a deeper sense of where you find yourself right now. Your place, the land that owns you, even if you find yourself in the midst of a transition. Urban, rural, farm or backyard.
A call to more expansive attention. To understand the signs and signals that are offered forward to us every day. Through weather, intuition, the way the trees lean this way or that. The clues offered by the way the animals you share your life with orient themselves or behave.
To practice listening to the land, with the intention of hearing back.
Delighting in learning what different cloud configurations mean, understanding more about the systems at play around you. Ecological. Neurological. Communal.
Exploring and understanding what’s collectible, what’s edible, the ground beneath your feet.
Looking up so we’re aware, understanding of the cycles of the moon, the anatomy of the stars and how they guide us.
Our experience of the darkness and the light.
To discern, know, name the native trees and animals of our area and those that found their way.
To carve small pockets space into our lives to develop our awareness, to develop an ecology of care. To move and be in the world outside the house, the office or our desk.
We will notice. We will become more aware. We will become more rooted.
And should it be what we desire, we will share in our adventures, speak of them with each other and if we’re moved to, write them down.
How will Interwoven work?
I will share with you my own explorations and contemplations offering you questions for your own adventures. In this way, I hope that what I offer serves as a guidepost and a lantern, something to help light the path as your own feet map the way.
If you are a paid subscriber already (thank you!) you are automatically included. If not, and you want to be a part of Interwoven, you can upgrade here
We begin
I will send regular contemplations and prompts for your own exploration, along with invitations for threads and conversation with your fellow Interwoven community.
You can choose to do it with me at the pace that it’s delivered, or make your way through it as a time and speed that is your own.
My hope is that you will make it your own.
Got Questions?
I’m here for them! You can email me, hit reply to this email or let me know in the comments 🌿
I would love to have you join me.
xx Jane
I’m still not certain how to navigate through this, I believe I’m subscribed, I downloaded the Substack app but am having trouble getting it to open. Is that necessary, or can we access you through this area?
I’m looking forward to this. I’ve just started with you and everything you are doing resonates deeply. This one is very exciting…. Thank you!