Another Beautiful Question with Jane Pike
Another Beautiful Question with Jane Pike
{Podcast} 9 ways to keep going when your heart is hurt, or bruised, or broken

{Podcast} 9 ways to keep going when your heart is hurt, or bruised, or broken

comb manes with your fingers, taking apart any hairs that have found their way to knots

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Want to join me for Interwoven? We are starting at the end of this month.

Interwoven is a 12 month journey for paid subscribers of Another Beautiful Question, delivered via Substack and on Zoom with me, Jane Pike.

It is a gentle, poetic & practical adventure in deep noticing, imagination and appreciation. Explorations of nature and a life lived in relationship.

The journey will unfold in five time chapters of around six weeks each. Each chapter include a live workshop (recorded for those who can’t attend or who wish to revisit), weekly emails and prompts dedicated to specific themes, and private chat threads.

If you aren’t already a paid member, you can upgrade to be a part of it here.

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Another Beautiful Question with Jane Pike
Another Beautiful Question with Jane Pike
Interwoven contemplations on life, nature, creativity & art. A space for seekers of wonder, lovers of the wild, and those dedicated to hunting the glimmerings.